Designers today spend far too much time drawing rectangles and dragging them around the screen. Even designers who don’t know this kind of do know it, I think. Perhaps there is a point in every designer’s career (there certainly was for me) when the idea of design becomes less about aesthetics and more about structure.

When this happens, you’re forced to ask yourself questions about your process and how it serves the function of creating a cohesive, flexible, and supportive structure for your work. Once you move past aesthetics as your primary objective, you start to wonder why you’re manipulating shapes and colors by hand? Design is meant to function on our behalf, and instead so many designers spend their time functioning on behalf of their designs. I think this is backwards, and I think it doesn’t have to be this way.

I spent the first part of my career as a designer like most others—manipulating rectangles on a screen. Now, my day is spent writing code to manipulate those rectangles for me. At my current job, my role is dedicated to making design easier for both designers and developers. Building, maintaining, and improving upon our design systems and pattern libraries is done to enable better solutions to common problems with quicker execution times.

Pattern libraries and design systems don’t appear from nowhere—they have to be built and maintained. This process and all of its subprocesses all boil down to designers and developers making a series of decisions through a continued conversation. My job is to ask myself how I can facilitate those conversations and extract decisions from them more efficiently.

A design system has a lot of goals, but I think the most righteous of those is that it gives designers the ability to stop drawing their designs and write them instead. I propose that we start thinking of design systems as a vocabulary that we use to write design. Think about it: vocabularies have a shared origin like designers have shared inspiration and design has trends; vocabularies of the same language vary colloquially from place to place like our designs vary even internally. The artifacts representing our pattern libraries act like a dictionary—they’re a tool we used to understand the vocabulary. Additionally, the meaning of the words in our dictionary is not always derived from hard and fast rules. Sometimes people themselves can alter or change meanings entirely based on context.

Design systems, like vocabularies, are hard to maintain because they’re defined by people, and people are not consistent. That doesn’t mean they’re not worth it. Both (most of the time) allow us humans to communicate both verbally and visually with shared meaning and understanding. They allow us to categorize the things in our world, and to make statements that represent our values. Just like a vocabulary allows us to avoid communicating with charades, a design system allows designers to stop spending their time drawing pictures of a design, and instead use a common language to write what a design should look like and how it should function.

Like most good things, there are challenges. How can we create a concise vocabulary that simultaneously provides coverage over all of the things we need to express? How can the meaning of words be altered in a way that is natural and works for everyone? At what point do we alter the definition of a word whose meaning has changed based on cultural factors?

The hardest part of doing this successfully is making decisions. Getting a large group of people to agree on how things should be done is really tough, and it only gets tougher as your team grows. Doing this right involves aligning values, goals, ideas, etc. across teams, but that can often take a lot of time away from shipping feature work that, frankly, a lot of teams simply don’t have to spare. I think that a part of the solution to this is to have a team dedicated to aligning values, maintaining consistency, and advocating for a shared vocabulary between designers and developers. At my current job, we call this team the Design Developers. Whatever you want to call them, the design devs spend their days being the shepherds of the organization’s design system, and have the skills to translate decisions into actual tools for designers and developers to expedite their day-to-day work.

What’s great about thinking of product design as a form of writing using a bespoke vocabulary instead of drawing is that the handoff between designers and developers becomes a conversation instead of the delivery of an ephemeral artifact. Designers no longer have to spend their time recreating designs over and over using outdated tools, and instead can use that time to think about how the system can be usable, accessible, and delightful. They can work with design developers to improve the system for everyone instead of the parts of the product that their work touches. And developers can of course spend more time sweating the details rather than recreating work that’s no doubt been done elsewhere already.

The key to conversations is that they go both ways. For these ideas to work in practice, there must be a way for the conversation to evolve naturally and affect the vocabulary, just like our own conversations change the meaning of the words we use over time. Changes to the system must be vetted, purposeful, and most importantly, they must be communicated to everyone who uses the system. If the meaning of a word changes unexpectedly, the conversation becomes mute. That’s why we need to be careful and considered in the words we choose in order to ensure our conversations are timeless within the scope in which we’re working.

The process of governing a design system or a vocabulary varies too widely from company to company and culture to culture to say definitively what the correct solution is. There are plenty of resources out there from companies that have done this successfully, and although they are helpful, none of them will work for you out of the box. Doing this correctly involves remaining vigilant, treating everyone in your organization as a designer, and establishing vetted processes.

I encourage all designers (especially those working on bigger products with a team) to start looking at themselves as writers who are trying to articulate the solutions to problems. It is only when designers condition their colleagues to work with them in this way that design can become more than just wrangling rectangles.

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